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The Boring But Essential Guide To Keeping Your Blender Working Well

I know, I know… Everyone loves to pour over delicious recipes and food pictures online, but nobody enjoys reading the truth; that blender of yours need care, cleaning and attention!

That’s too much like work, right?

Well, sorry to say it, but if you want to keep your shiny new blender, erm, blending… then you’ll have to take care of it.

*cough* BORING *cough*

Well, yes... I can’t promise you’ll find it super-exciting, but look at it this way: if you’ve just thrown out £100 on your new blender, you certainly won’t want to be doing that again in a hurry.

So, let’s keep that blender sparkling and operational (and let’s keep that money in your savings account where it belongs)!

Use It Right, Every Time

You’re probably thinking that you just bung stuff in, and hit blend.

That’s true to a point, but there are a whole bunch of minor details that can extend the life of your new blender, so let’s quickly zip through these simple rules of thumb.

Check It’s Assembled Correctly Before You Press That Button!

Even the cheapest blenders out there have a safety that stop them from blending when the jug isn’t in the right position.

However, some of the cheaper ones will still operate if the jug isn’t quite clicked into place.

Depending on the blender, that could begin to shred the mechanism over time, so it’s worth take 2 seconds to double-check that your jug is correctly clicked into place.

Liquid Goes First

Most things you’ll use your blender for are going to call for a mixture of liquids and solids.

As a general rule of thumb, put any liquids in first so that they submerge the blade, then put in your solids.

Build a Tower of Hardness

Try to rank your ingredients in order of hardness. Throw the softest into the jug first, and the hardest into the jug last.

Doing this means that the blade is much less likely to get caught and stress the motor.

Don’t Just Blindly Blend Anything (Particularly Ice and Hard Ingredients)

I know those blades look amazingly tough but, trust me, not all blenders can handle everything that you throw at them.

If you try to blend stuff that the blades weren’t designed to cope with, then you’re going to end up with blunt blades pretty quickly.

There’s the added problem that some ingredients simply won’t blend, and will ping around the jug like a pinball and might even break the plastic.

If you need to blend anything particularly hard (including ice), then check the manual first to make sure that you blender was designed to cope with it.

Steady On!

Don’t just hit the high speed button when you’re ready to blend. Start slow and ramp up the speed to the desired setting gradually.

Watch The Timer!

The motors that drive the vast majority of blenders out there are simply not designed to be revved up for 10 minutes at a time. These machines are designed for short bursts of activity.

Check the manual to see the maximum amount of time you should run the blender, before easing off or turning the motor off completely for a breather. It matters, as you can easily burn these motors out!

If you smell an oily burning smell, then you’ve been blending too long; turn it off and give it a rest before continuing!

After Use

OK, I know your delicious concoction is ready now, but you can’t dive to the dinner table just yet. Your blender needs you!

Don’t worry though, this won’t take long

Get It Soaking, Immediately

Realistically, nine times out of ten, you’re not going to be able to clean your blender immediately.

Instead, remove the jug, add a couple of drops of washing up liquid and fill it with hot water to soak.

Don’t underestimate the importance of this tiny bit of preparation.

A lot of blenders don’t have removable blades, and some ingredients are like concrete if you let them dry!

Keep it soaking until you’re ready to give it a clean!


When you’re ready to give it a clean, empty the water it’s been soaking in and add some fresh drops of washing up liquid.

Now add a little water, place the jug back onto the base and pulse.

That should take the worst of the mess off the blades, and you can finish up the cleaning by hand or in the dish washer (but check the manual first to see if your blender jug is dishwasher safe).

Make Sure It’s Properly Dry Before Use

I’m talking about the outside of the jug here, particularly the mechanism that connects the base to the blade.

No, You Probably Can’t Put The Jug In The Fridge or Freezer

Yes, I’m always tempted to simply throw my blender jug full of delicious smoothie into the fridge to keep it cool. But I don’t.


Because most blender jugs are simply not suitable for storing in the fridge or freezer!

Check you manual!

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