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Top 5 Most Delicious Delia Smith Soup Recipes

If I asked you to name a famous TV chef then “Delia Smith” would probably be your first reply. And what better response could I expect to hear than that?

Quick aside, you simply must check out Delia’s website which is literally full-to-the-brim of amazing soup recipes.

Delia has been on top of the food world for decades. She’s the UK’s best-selling cookery author by a long chalk, with a staggering 21 million books sold.

Delia has taught one heck of a lot people how to cook and when it comes to all things UK food, her word is gospel. All she needs to do is briefly mention her favoured flour brand, and the sales will immediately spike off the charts.

Basically, whatever introduction I could possibly give her on my own humble website would be a pale representation of what she has achieved.

Delia is a food genius.

Now, guess what a SoupedUp-Certified food genius has on their CV… That’s right: insanely delicious soups!

Delia is no exception. Let’s take a look at 5 of my favourite Delia Smith soup recipes:

1 - Delia’s Fabulous French Onion Soup

Whilst Jamie Oliver’s English onion soup was quite the dish, I’ve got to say that, given the choice, I’d plump for Delia’s fabulous French onion soup (although it’s a very close call).

In this recipe, you’ll learn a super-simple but deadly Delia tip for browning onions, that you can take away and use in countless other recipes!

In Delia’s own words this one is a “lovely warm meal for a cold Winter evening” and most decidedly “very French”!

Check it out:


2 - Delia’s Super-duper Smoked Haddock Fish Chowder

Not only are you getting a delicious soup in this video, but you’ll get to see Delia’s fish-shaped oven glove that she uses to chase of those who are misbehaving. Ah, yes… We’re looking at more innocent times here ladies and gents.

So, what about the soup? What’s a chowder when it’s at home?

Well, really, a chowder is simply just a nice, thick soup.

In Delia’s words it’s “half a soup and half a fish stew”, and this particular chowder will make “a lovely lunch or supper for one”:


3 - Delia’s Lovely Libyan Soup with Couscous

As you probably know if you read SoupedUp on a regular basis, I’m a firm fan of our British favourites but I also love to traverse the globe looking for more exotic soup tastes.

Thanks to Delia, I didn’t need to traverse the globe very far either (I went to my bedroom and typed in to be exact)!

This Libyan soup tickles my desire for exotic flavours with a taste explosion of epic proportion, all tastefully put together in Delia’s classy, understated way. Fantastic.

Be warned, though; Delia says this one is “spicy and hot”:


4 - Delia’s Tomato Celery and Apple Soup

If you’re in the mood for something different, then this fine recipe should be your first port of call. In fact, in this short and simple recipe video, Delia reveals that this is one of her own favourites.

Not only are you going to find out how to make this unique, and amazing soup, but you’ll get a whole host of tips on soup making in general; from an expert.

These “secrets to a good soup” should be branded into your brain with a red hot iron. Seriously, they make all the difference. So, without any further ado, go and get your soup making education:


5 - Delia’s Pumpkin Soup with Melted Cheese

Halloween might be over, but Delia still has a very good use for a big old pumpkin: delicious soup.

Whilst “pumpkin doesn’t have much flavour of its own”, when put to use in a soup “the texture is really velvety and lovely, and it makes a wonderful soup”.

High praise indeed, and more than enough reason to give this one a go!

As well as this tasty recipe, you’re going to learn the secret to a good baking tray, and how to get a delicious charred, crusty texture when roasting your pumpkin:

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